Service Overview
When it’s not snowing, our team of experts is still hard at work removing unwanted snow from roof tops. We do this all by hand and shovel the old fashioned way to minimize stress on one of the most important parts of your house. We do not use metal of any sort, only plastic shovels and rubber mallets. Our guys are always tied in to your roof to ensure safety to all parties involved.
Why do we shovel roofs?
Great question. At this elevation our winters can last an abnormally long time. That means cold temperatures through most of the typical spring. As the temperatures do begin to rise, snow left on roofs will melt during the day and refreeze at night. This freeze thaw cycle will inevitably create ice dams along the eves and in valleys of roofs. When this happens, it also forms a natural insulation for water to sit behind the ice dam. The water behind such a dam will continue to build and eventually find a way into the structure of the roof. Its common practice in this environment to remove the snow once or twice a winter in order to prevent the ice dam process.